***Transformamos Huerta de Vida
a una escuela
de la vida sostenible y comunidad conciente***
Ofrecemos la bienvenida a individuos y grupos de personas
listos para cambiar sus vidas.
Ofrecemos un ambiente para ayudar realizar tus sueños
por medio de capacitacion, incluyendo
el cultivo ecologico de plantas e arboles, animales de granja,
otros seres humanos y su propio alma...
We welcome individuals and groups of folks ready to change their lives.
Our environment is designed to help enable the realization of your dreams
by means of skill-building,
including ecologic cultivation of plants and trees, farm animals,
other human beings and your very own soul...
Reflections on 2011 Season
Many changes...Many blessings
Hola compas! Last year's season was a wild, wonderful ride with so many wild, wonderful folks...I am so grateful and feel very honored to know each and every person who found their way here...We all synchronized an incredible variety of talents, experience, perceptions, earnest effort, laughter and and determination...Our shared labors coaxed Huerta de Vida to a new level of potential...New "goodies" here include: Electricity (think music, computer, movies) oh yes, and a light bulb!...A voluptuous outdoor wood-efficient oven (her name is Sophia)...Nearly completed wood-heated and fuel-efficient stove with attached seating area inside cabin...Harvest/coppice of tall trees for lumber...BUNKBEDS and SHELVES for storage (yeah!)...My very cool cat, Humo...A plastic tunnel greenhouse in the field...Collaboration with neighbor friends to conduct very successful rocket stove construction workshop...The emergence of more local allies, permaculturalists, visionaries, cosmic messengers, wise folks...I feel certain that we have been blessed to do this beautiful, necessary and creative work here with folks who have tuned into quantum life.
Vida has moved on to follow her guiding stars. This beautiful place and the opportunity for so many to learn by doing are the reflection of her vision and hard work. She is a powerful teacher and has my heartfelt gratitude and respect.
This winter has been filled with lots of visitors, new friends and old souls...My winter dreams to be realized this coming year include: Initiation of a small CSA (community-suppported agriculture); Increased collaboration and inclusion of folks ready to "make the change", including emphasis on an apprentice-type of volunteer experience and increased effort to recruit Argentian volunteers...Construction of the outdoor common area which will be utilized as a classroom/kitchen/meeting area...Incorporation of more animal allies, ie, a flock of laying chickens and ducks; Bee hives; A mama sheep and her 1 or 2 lambs; A bunny stud to get things moving in the bunny department. Also, reflection pond outsided the large house to reflect light and heat into the interior greenhouse, attract frogs, toads, garden snakes and allow cultivation of water plants...And very importantly, completion of the house!!!
Despite being black-listed by WWOOF there are good folks getting ready to show up and help get things rolling. Many of you may have already seen this year's recruitment shout-out. If not, here it is along with a little therapeutic reflection re WWOOF:
Fact: The WWOOF organization would not/could not exist without small farmers. WWOOF charges folks for access to their unimpressive list of small farms. The charge applied is $38.00 u.s. dollars per individual, that is, each person of a couple and for each child. In many cases you have to pay for information for individual countries and these fees are good for only 1 year. Do the math yourself… That’s a pretty chunky bank account, folks.
Huerta de Vida was given the WWOOF boot for requesting a financial food contribution from volunteers...The weekly amount was about equal to 1.5 meals in any Argentinian restaurant and folks like what we eat here...The rate of inflation here is impressive and we could not receive volunteers without the contribution...
Please recommend helpX.com, growfood.org and workaway.info to your friends and let me know of other such user-friendly websites or just post huertadevida.blogspot.com anywhere your wild heart desires. I need a good crop of good folks this next season, bring ‘em on…
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