huerta de vida
miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2016
jueves, 25 de septiembre de 2014
miércoles, 25 de junio de 2014
HUERTA DE VIDA 2014-2015
HUERTA DE VIDA 2014-2015 --------------castellano arriba y english below
gracias por tu interes en este lugar querido, huerta de vida...abajo se encuentra las fechas y actividades de esta temporada...
estoy para recibir personas capaces de hacerse aprendices, no voluntarios…este es lugar de mucho aprendizaje, no es destino turistico…el labor aca de crear la sustentabilidad requiere madurez y compromiso…resulta en mucha satisfaccion, crecimiento personal,alegria y risa…trabajamos a ful…y festejamos a ful…
las sesiones duran 5 semanas…ofrezco un curriculo de sustentabilidad basado en los principios de la permacultura utilizando huerta de vida como mi laboratorio… siempre incluidos son la construccion natural, cultivo organico, la conviviencia y comunicación conciente, ecologia profunda, y sabiduria chamanica…
el costo para la gente de paises de economia de dolares y euros es $400 dolares por sesion...el latinoamericano paga $1500 pesos argentinos…este cubre el costo de la comida y los materiales…comemos bien 3 veces al dia…
si prefieres venir antes de octubre seria posible organizar algo de 2 semanas minimas con costo solamente de comida como $60dolares/$250 pesos por semana...siempre hay muchas cosas para hacer con los animales, la construccion y el invernadero...siempre
avise si haya preguntas...bendiciones, margot
thank you for your interest in this beloved place, huerta de vida…below you will find the dates and activities for this season…
i prefer to work with folks who are capable of apprenticeship rather than to receive volunteers…this is a place of great learning, it is not a tourist destination…the work of creating sustainability requires maturity and personal investment…the result is great satisfaction, personal growth, joy and laughter…we work full on…we play full on…
sessions last 5 weeks…i offer a sustainability curriculum based on the principles of permaculture with huerta de vida as my laboratory…always included are natural construction, organic food cultivation, conscious community life and communication, deep ecology and shamanic wisdom…
the cost for folks from dollar or euro based economies is $400 dollars per session…latinamericans pay $1500 pesos argentinos…this covers the cost of food and materials…we eat well 3 times a day…
if you prefer to come before october it is posible to organize something for 2 week mínimum for the cost of food only…$60dollars/$250 pesos per week…there are always things to be done with the animals, construction, the greenhouse…always…
this might be helpful…online spanish lessons http://www.shortcuttospanish.
let me know what questions you have…blessings, margot
estas son las fechas y temas de las sesiones…en cada sesión hay construcción natural e aventuras a eventos o otros proyectos…
these are session dates and activities…every session includes natural construction and aventures to events or other projects…
Sesión 1 Oct. 5 - Nov. 9
plantar semillas en almácigos y macetas, preparar camas en la huerta para plantar con riego de goteo y compost, fertilizar frutales, comenzar construcción de cocina en la cabaña, terminar sala de clase afuera
plant seedlings, prep garden beds with drip irrigation and compost, fertilize fruit trees, begin cabin kitchen addition, finish outdoor classroom
Sesion 2 Nov 16 - Dec 21
transplantar plantines y siembra directa en la huerta, trasplantar arboles leguminosos, establecer vivero
transplant and direct seed garden, transplant leguminous trees into garden, establish plant nursery
Sesion 3 Jan 4 - Feb 8
mantener huerta, comenzar plantines de huerta del otoño
maintain garden, start fall garden seedlings
Sesion 4 Feb 15 - March 22 mantener huerta, transplantar plantines a la huerta del otoño, establecer cobertura verde
maintain garden, transplant fall garden seedlings, put in cover crop
Sesión 5 March 29 - May 3
preparar la huerta para el invierno, organizar invernadero
prep garden for winter, organize greenhouse
jueves, 1 de agosto de 2013
"2013/ 2014 Intern Program
2013-2014 Intern Program
Huerta de Vida lies within a small valley oasis at the foot of the tallest mountains in the Western Hemisphere. An ancient irrigation system channels snowmelt from the Andes into the Valle de Uco,
converting desert into a green stretch of farm, weeping willows, and fire flies. The powerful beauty of this places masks a very ugly reality of chemical conventional monoculture, with a new Monsanto facility just outside of Mendoza. Huerta de Vida began as degraded land that is progressively being brought back to life as an edible forest garden. We also belong to a growing, resilient network of organic family farmers and passionate permaculturalists. Together, we share our vision of conscious cultivation of local, sustainable, and spirited
productivity of life´s essentials and connection to our shared, precious planet through weekly organic farmers´ market, seed-exchanges, and workshops.
We are:
Margot- Many years in the laboratory of my life…Now happier than I ever imagined possible… Shamanism/consciousness- expanding plants amongst my many many teachers…Lifelong hippy,
feminist, social justice and environmental activist and grateful for it. Worked way
too many years in ¨healthcare¨. No longer limited to physical medicine. I lived in
variety of communities for longlong time. Lots to say re U.S. foreign and
domestic policy…lots... Living in the zone pretty much all day every day…Currently
serve as coordinator for weekly farmer´s market in Mendoza. Love BIG ideas. Usually pretty sassy. Favorite quote ¨the doors of heaven open wide for
those who bring laughter to their companions¨. Sounds right to me. Pretty
sure we can create heaven on earth...amen...
Margot- Many years in the laboratory of my life…Now happier than I ever imagined possible… Shamanism/consciousness-
Vida- Has decided to continue adventures and will not be at H de V as anticipated...Bummer, but we incorporate her great advice into the scheme of things here and are moving ahead beautifully...
Vida´s bio info: Completed my undergraduate education at a big bucks university and then decided, much to my grandparents horror, that nothing beats a good compost! Past work has included volunteer farming in Spain, urban gardening and youth development with The Food Project (Boston), gardening at The Heifer Project (Rutland, Massachusetts), and natural building at Finca Bonafide (Ometepe, Nicaragua). Deep venturing into the permaculture realm has included Bio-Intensive Gardening Apprenticeship at Proyecto CIESA (El Bolson, Argentina), Natural Building Apprenticeship at House Alive in Jacksonville, Oregon, Permaculture Design Course with Bullock Brothers (Orcas Island), and Edible Food Forest Design Course with Dave Jacke (Portland, Oregon).
Vida´s bio info: Completed my undergraduate education at a big bucks university and then decided, much to my grandparents horror, that nothing beats a good compost! Past work has included volunteer farming in Spain, urban gardening and youth development with The Food Project (Boston), gardening at The Heifer Project (Rutland, Massachusetts), and natural building at Finca Bonafide (Ometepe, Nicaragua). Deep venturing into the permaculture realm has included Bio-Intensive Gardening Apprenticeship at Proyecto CIESA (El Bolson, Argentina), Natural Building Apprenticeship at House Alive in Jacksonville, Oregon, Permaculture Design Course with Bullock Brothers (Orcas Island), and Edible Food Forest Design Course with Dave Jacke (Portland, Oregon).
Interns establish and maintain
garden momentum and energy necessary for growing power soil and food, also
necessary is a strong desire to learn and experiment with natural
construction. Tasks range from garden bed
prep, direct seeding, seedlings,
transplanting, living and dry mulching, composting, biochar, flood
irrigating, harvesting, and cover cropping, food foresting, building walls and floors with
cane, strawbale, bottle bricks, and earthen plasters.
Session Cost: $250 U.S. dollars/session for folks from dollar and euro countries; $800 pesos argentinos/session for interns from Latin America. Huerta de Vida meals do not include meat or alcoholic beverages. Food is vegetarian, not vegan. The session cost provides for a delicious food budget and the materials necessary to provide a solid, educational working projects for our interns.
Multiple Sessions: Each session is packed to the brim with
different learning opportunities. For
those who have the opportunity to continue their learning at Huerta de Vida, we
suggest to sign up for multiple sessions.
We ask that interns plan trips elsewhere during the time in between
sessions so that we have a chance to rest and prepare for the next wave of
interns. We can suggest many beautiful
adventures around Argentina and Chile that deserve your time.
Living in Community: People live and work best together and get more done when they understand not just what and how to do something but what the overall objective is. We will provide leadership, teaching/coaching, friendship, empowerment, encouragement, and reality checks/feedback. We guide our interns through the work projects. Our priority is to share our knowledge with interns as well as accomplish project goals on time and with a strong sense of pride in the quality of our work. Direct and honest communication is our sincere intention. Each session starts with a full day orientation for all participants. Community meetings happen once a week.
Field Trips:
Local wineries; worker-controlled tomato sauce cooperative; bolivian
flea market; social justice mobilizations; music events, seed exchanges,
farmers´ markets, celebrations, speakers, films, occasional bonfires right here
at home…
Session 1: Setting the Stage
(Arrive September 10 – Leave October 6)
What to expect: Plant seedlings for summer crops and direct
seed spring garden; prep of planting beds; tune-up of irrigation system;
compost utilization and renewal; fertilization and dormant oil spraying of all
trees and perennials; plant and harvest of cover crop; animal care-construct
corrals for rotational grazing; build outdoor kitchen and learning space;
redesign garden beds on contour; inoculate garden beds with biochar; build
drying racks; organize tree and plant nursery.
Work schedule:
Tuesday-Saturday, 8 am - 8 pm. Breakfast
9 am, lunch/siesta 1-5, dinner 8 pm. Group
meeting on Thursday afternoon.
Session 2: Making it Happen
(Arrive October 15 – End November 10)
What to expect: We will keep the garden evolving; dig contour
garden beds, garden bed prep; make and apply biochar for fruit trees, compost
tea and foliar spraying to the max, continued construction of outdoor classroom
and kitchen area; build bat houses; fruit canning and drying ie apricots, plums,
Work schedule:
Tuesday-Saturday, 8 am - 8 pm.
Breakfast 9 am, lunch/siesta 1-5, dinner 8 pm. Group meeting Thursdays after siesta, followed
by optional yoga/visualization or documentary.
Session 3:
(Arrive November 19 – End December 15
What to
expect: Keep the garden wheel turning; transplant and foster seedlings; plenty
of watering; weeding; vigilence for bug predators; regular foliar feeding; walk
the talk of ecological food production.
Work Schedule:
Tuesday-Saturday, 7 am - 8 pm. Breakfast
8 am, lunch/siesta 1-6pm, dinner 8. Group meeting on Thursday afternoon.
Session 4: Summer Intensive
(Arrive January 5 – End February 5)
What to expect: Full spectrum of growing and harvesting food plus natural
construction; keep garden going strong, plenty o´ weeding; start fall
seedlings; harvest and preserve peaches and nectarines; lots of tomato drying
and canning; build bat houses.
Work schedule:
Tuesday-Saturday, 7 am – 7 pm.
Breakfast 8:30 am, lunch/siesta 1-5 pm, dinner 7 pm. Group
meeting on Thursday afternoon.
Session 5: Growth Spurt
(Arrive February 5 - End March 5)
What to expect: Put in fall garden, cover crop, continue
summer harvest; seed saving; wall plastering; begin floor construction; animal care,
frame and install doors and windows; lots of drying and canning, bat
houses (maybe).
Work schedule: Tuesday-Saturday, 8 am – 8:00 pm. Breakfast 9 am, lunch/siesta 1-5
, dinner 6:00
pm. Group meeting on Thursday afternoon.
Session 6: Abundance
(Arrive March 10 – End April 7)
What to expect: Full time harvesting;
transplant/direct seed fall garden; continue harvest; seed saving;
garden map and next year´s rotation map; cover cropping; animal care; fine
layer of plaster; continue flooring construction; organize tree and plant
nursery; start winterizing; nonstop food preservation.
Work schedule: Tuesday-Saturday,
8 am – 6:30 pm. Breakfast 9 am,
lunch/siesta 1-4, dinner 6:30 pm. Group
meeting on Thursday afternoon.
Recommended Reading and Films: Please bring a copy of your favorite
mindblowing-lifechanging book or film with you!
Deep Economy (Bill Mckibben); The Four Agreements (Don Miguel Ruiz) ;
Shaman, Healer, Sage (Alberto Villoldo); Sacred Mirrors/Alex Grey; Medicine for
the Earth (Sandra Ingerman); Confessions of an Economic Hitman (John Perkins)
The Humanure Handbook (John Jenkins; Fields of Plenty (Michael Ableman), The Unlikely Peace at Cuchumaquic (Martin Prechtel).
Films: The Take (Naomi Klein); Il Postino;
Fidel; The Future of Food; The World According to Monsanto; The Mission;
Healing the Luminous Body; The
Revolution Will Not Be Televised; Life and Debt; ¡SALUD!; Orgasmic Birth
martes, 4 de junio de 2013
***Transformamos Huerta de Vida
a una escuela
de la vida sostenible y comunidad conciente***
Ofrecemos la bienvenida a individuos y grupos de personas
listos para cambiar sus vidas.
Ofrecemos un ambiente para ayudar realizar tus sueños
por medio de capacitacion, incluyendo
el cultivo ecologico de plantas e arboles, animales de granja,
otros seres humanos y su propio alma...
We welcome individuals and groups of folks ready to change their lives.
Our environment is designed to help enable the realization of your dreams
by means of skill-building,
including ecologic cultivation of plants and trees, farm animals,
other human beings and your very own soul...
Reflections on 2011 Season
Many changes...Many blessings
Hola compas! Last year's season was a wild, wonderful ride with so many wild, wonderful folks...I am so grateful and feel very honored to know each and every person who found their way here...We all synchronized an incredible variety of talents, experience, perceptions, earnest effort, laughter and and determination...Our shared labors coaxed Huerta de Vida to a new level of potential...New "goodies" here include: Electricity (think music, computer, movies) oh yes, and a light bulb!...A voluptuous outdoor wood-efficient oven (her name is Sophia)...Nearly completed wood-heated and fuel-efficient stove with attached seating area inside cabin...Harvest/coppice of tall trees for lumber...BUNKBEDS and SHELVES for storage (yeah!)...My very cool cat, Humo...A plastic tunnel greenhouse in the field...Collaboration with neighbor friends to conduct very successful rocket stove construction workshop...The emergence of more local allies, permaculturalists, visionaries, cosmic messengers, wise folks...I feel certain that we have been blessed to do this beautiful, necessary and creative work here with folks who have tuned into quantum life.
Vida has moved on to follow her guiding stars. This beautiful place and the opportunity for so many to learn by doing are the reflection of her vision and hard work. She is a powerful teacher and has my heartfelt gratitude and respect.
This winter has been filled with lots of visitors, new friends and old souls...My winter dreams to be realized this coming year include: Initiation of a small CSA (community-suppported agriculture); Increased collaboration and inclusion of folks ready to "make the change", including emphasis on an apprentice-type of volunteer experience and increased effort to recruit Argentian volunteers...Construction of the outdoor common area which will be utilized as a classroom/kitchen/meeting area...Incorporation of more animal allies, ie, a flock of laying chickens and ducks; Bee hives; A mama sheep and her 1 or 2 lambs; A bunny stud to get things moving in the bunny department. Also, reflection pond outsided the large house to reflect light and heat into the interior greenhouse, attract frogs, toads, garden snakes and allow cultivation of water plants...And very importantly, completion of the house!!!
Despite being black-listed by WWOOF there are good folks getting ready to show up and help get things rolling. Many of you may have already seen this year's recruitment shout-out. If not, here it is along with a little therapeutic reflection re WWOOF:
Fact: The WWOOF organization would not/could not exist without small farmers. WWOOF charges folks for access to their unimpressive list of small farms. The charge applied is $38.00 u.s. dollars per individual, that is, each person of a couple and for each child. In many cases you have to pay for information for individual countries and these fees are good for only 1 year. Do the math yourself… That’s a pretty chunky bank account, folks.
Huerta de Vida was given the WWOOF boot for requesting a financial food contribution from volunteers...The weekly amount was about equal to 1.5 meals in any Argentinian restaurant and folks like what we eat here...The rate of inflation here is impressive and we could not receive volunteers without the contribution...
Please recommend, and to your friends and let me know of other such user-friendly websites or just post anywhere your wild heart desires. I need a good crop of good folks this next season, bring ‘em on…
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